CopperHawk Farms

Pre-orders available now! Services begin mid-May.


Regular Bag

Regular Bag

Hi there! We're collecting preseason investment right now. This item is a place holder to demonstrate our new system to our patrons. Please do not add it to your cart at this time. We will offer three "base" bags--Regular, Single, and Salad. Patrons may select a bag and a weekly or fortnightly delivery schedule that fits their needs. Or patrons may build their own one-off bag at any time. Anyhow, read below to learn what to expect in our Regular Bag Our Farmer's Choice Regular Bag is designed to please 3-4 people. Most weeks patrons will receive two greens and 3-6 vegetables in this bag package. Please note: early spring sales are important to us, but our work is weather dependent. The first couple bags tend to be a bit light in both weight and value. We make up for this in later weeks when we're swimming in abundance.

Salad Bag

Salad Bag

Hi there! We're collecting preseason investment right now. This item is a place holder to demonstrate our new system to our patrons. Please do not add it to your cart at this time. We will offer three "base" bags--Regular, Single, and Salad. Patrons may select a bag and a weekly or fortnightly delivery schedule that fits their needs. Or patrons may build their own one-off bag at any time. Anyhow, read below to learn what to expect in our Salad Bag Our Farmer's Choice Salad Bag features two greens and a couple items to make a fresh, world-class salad. We anticipate this will be our most popular choice in 2025. The Salad Bag allows the patron to get scheduled greens at an affordable price, and patrons can always add items to their weekly bag from our shop. Please note: early spring sales are important to us, but our work is weather dependent. The first couple bags tend to be a bit light in both weight and value. We make up for this in later weeks when we're swimming in abundance.

Single Bag

Single Bag

Hi there! We're collecting preseason investment right now. This item is a place holder to demonstrate our new system to our patrons. Please do not add it to your cart at this time. We will offer three "base" bags--Regular, Single, and Salad. Patrons may select a bag and a weekly or fortnightly delivery schedule that fits their needs. Or patrons may build their own one-off bag at any time. Anyhow, read below to learn what to expect in our Single Bag Our Farmer's Choice Single Bag is designed to please 1-2 people. Most weeks patrons will receive two greens and 3-4 vegetables in this bag package. Please note: early spring sales are important to us, but our work is weather dependent. The first couple bags tend to be a bit light in both weight and value. We make up for this in later weeks when we're swimming in abundance.



Salad Mix

Salad Mix

CopperHawk Farms
